We DO NOT advertise on Craig’s List or any other rental platform, except Airbnb. Beware of scams that use other phone numbers or email addresses than what is listed on our site..

some of the best fishing is right in front of the cottages

some of the best fishing is right in front of the cottages

there is plenty of space to go wave running

there is plenty of space to go wave running

six kayaks and paddles are available for use—free of charge

six kayaks and paddles are available for use—free of charge

in the winter, you can set up a shanty and go ice FISHING

in the winter, you can set up a shanty and go ice FISHING

This part of the river is like a large lake

This part of the river is like a large lake

the river has it’s own beauty in the winter

the river has it’s own beauty in the winter

Bring your own boat or rent our pontoon.

Bring your own boat or rent our pontoon.
