We DO NOT advertise on Craig’s List or any other rental platform, except Airbnb. Beware of scams that use other phone numbers or email addresses than what is listed on this site.


Tricia Mayer

After teaching first graders and fourth graders for 28 years, Tricia decided to give vacation rentals a try with her loving husband of 18 years. She loves to spend time out doors, learn new skills, spend time with her family, and meet new friends. She also runs Happy Homes and Properties, LLC with her husband Tom, in the Milwaukee area. She is the one on the far right and is joined by her daughter, Caroline, and her mother, Sandy.

Tom enjoying Pemene FAlls.

Tom enjoying Pemene FAlls.

Tom Mayer

Owning a landscape business in the Milwaukee area was not enough excitement for Tom, so he has decided to add operating vacation rentals to his resume. He also works with his wife to run a rental home business in Milwaukee. He enjoys being outdoors, creating new spaces, and being with family.

Maggie is enjoying the menominee river.

Maggie is enjoying the menominee river.

Gracie is enjoying a day at piers Gorge.

Gracie is enjoying a day at piers Gorge.

Maggie Mayer

Maggie is a 15-year old black lab/German short-hair mix from the Ozaukee County Humane Society. In her younger years, she would eat (aka-destroy) EVERYTHING! As she has gotten older, she is just a good girl who goes everywhere with Tom and Tricia. She is always looking for something to eat and has a stomach of steel. She is well-loved and gets away with everything naughty.

Maggie crossed the Rainbow Bridge on October 21, 2019. We miss our sweet girl dearly.


Grace Mayer

Grace lived in an Alabama shelter for the first 2 years of her life. She was brought to Wisconsin as a rescue in November of 2019. She joined our family from Ma, Paws, and Me Rescue at the end of January 2020. She is a hugger and a snugger and brings us great joy! Hopefully, you will get to meet her. You’ll be her BFF if you throw a ball/stick for her:)